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I once worked selling magazines door-to-door. I worked almost 7 years as a sales rep.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Womens Golf Clubs Updates

Our Featured Golf Article

You will find a lot of easy tips and techniques in this eBook to quickly transform your golf game and add 20 yards to your drive!

Some Golf Tips

by Lee MacRae

The following tips have been gleaned from various sources over the years. We hope you enjoy them.

Years ago driver club heads, and clubfaces, were much smaller, resulting in a much smaller sweet-spot. The driver heads simply were not large enough to warrant a higher tee height. General rule of thumb says to tee the ball up so that the top half of the ball is above the clubface when the club is resting in starting position on the ground. Naturally with a bigger club head, you need to tee the ball higher to achieve the top half ratio. This will ensure you are still striking the ball with the center of the club head.

Many golfers lift their front foot on their backswing. This can lead to a reverse weight shift, where weight is actually shifted to the front side on the backswing. This can result in a hook or shank shot. Keep your front foot planted on the ground on your backswing, which will promote a proper hip and shoulder turn and get you into a "coil" position setting you up for increased power. Just don't forget to shift your weight to your back side.

You'll generate a lot of power if you forget about building up the muscles in your body and concentrate instead on whipping the hips. Look at golfing legend Gary player. He's only 5'7" tall, but he hits the ball a long way by moving his hips as fast as possible for right to left in the downswing. But not so fast that he loses control of the swing. The idea is to have the hips moving to the left, where they'll open naturally. If you keep your head behind the ball through impact, you'll form a sort of human catapult that will send your ball soaring.

Work on these tips and make sure you tee off with a positive mindset. The more you practice and implement what you learn, the more confidence you will gain in your ability to hit it straight and long. And watch your scores begin to plummet!

Get a great golf driver online!

Let's Talk About Golf

Golf truly is a great equalizer because it doesn't discriminate. Finally, the wonderful saying "What the mind conceives, the body can achieve" really drives home this point that the only limits we have in our lives are in our "minds".

Take Off Like A Jumper
A correctly timed pivot will cause the left leg to straighten just after impact, like a ski jumper launching into the air. This maximizes distance.
...Golf Tips magazine

To have a good angle the left leg passes the ball first, hands second, and clubhead last. This motion automatically moves the clubhead in the descending angle of approach. Having the clubhead passing the hands prior to impact creates an ascending angle of approach. Most of the time with this action the clubhead will hit the ground behind the ball (Chili dipping) or the swing bottoms out early and the ball is struck on the upswing, topping it.
...Learn About Golf

The shove type: The word shove is misleading. An actual shove is illegal. It's only a feel. What gives this shove feel is the stroke is made with a very short backswing and a long followthrough. The advantage of this type of stroke is the shorter the backswing, the less chance of error.
...World Golf

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Performance Promotion Pays Off at 84 Lumber Classic for Titleist Pro V1x Player

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Against a strong field that boasted four of this year's top six money leaders, the 84 Lumber Classic champion relied upon the Titleist Pro V1x golf ball en route to a one stroke victory and his first career PGA Tour title.

On Tour with Adam Scott

Thu, 20 Oct 2005 00:00:00 GMT
Adam talks about his schedule for the next few weeks, on and off the course, and what aspect of his game he's been focusing on recently.



Why I Like Weighted Golf training Club

Featured Golf Article

You will find a lot of easy tips and techniques in this eBook to quickly transform your golf game and add 20 yards to your drive!

Playing Golf� It�s All in Your Mind!

By: Randy Friedman

~ Have you ever wondered why your golf game never improves? ~

You might be surprised to learn that it�s all in your mind! Randy Friedman, an experienced LPGA and Cobra staff golf teaching professional, as well as Motivational mind power Speaker, has a unique perspective for taking your game to the next level.

After years of teaching golfers how to improve their swing or perfect their putting, she has turned her focus to hypnotherapy. According to Friedman, most golfers win or lose their game in their mind. She�s taken her perspective that �golf is 90% mental� and refocused her approach by helping golfers improve their game through the real stopping point: the mind.

Okay, so some of you skeptics are asking, �Does hypnotherapy really work?� The answer is �yes��when you truly believe you can change your way of thinking by knowing and changing your self-limiting beliefs.

Golf hypnosis is a simple and effective method that will improve your game by allowing you to deeply relax your body and elevate your mind to a higher place of consciousness. It gives you permission to make changes without changing a thing about your swing! You bypass the conscience mind (the critical factor) and enter the subconscious mind (the non-critical, computer-like) mind. It�s there that you�re able to squash those old ideas and replace them with new ones.

On a scientific level, hypnosis allows the brain waves to slow down to an alpha or deeper theta state (which is what we do when we sleep). At this level of relaxation, your subconscious mind is open and more receptive to suggestions for change.

Hypnosis will also help you deal with the fear of failing and enable you to focus more effectively at the task at hand. Do you want to improve your game? Hypnotherapy is a great way for you to understand and get in touch with your body, enjoy the game and the course, and feel the grass!

Golf courses are some of the most beautiful places in the world, yet we�re often so focused on making each shot that we forget to look, smell, and take in the world around us.

So why did a seasoned pro make the switch in her teaching techniques? She knows hypnotherapy works. In fact, some of her favorite clients to teach are children. �Children enjoy the game as a game, because they are just playing�without any fear or baggage. Their minds are cluttered with over-thinking. It�s simple for them, and they really enjoy it.�

Friedman now wants to give us seasoned pros a chance to embrace that same spirit of simplicity. Prior to her years as a golf pro, Friedman was a personal trainer and massage therapist. That means she understands the body from the inside out.

And if golf is not your game, Friedman can tackle any block you might have, from overcoming a fear of flying (how can you play at some of the best golf resorts around the world?), to becoming more successful at your job. So if you want to find a new way to take your golf game to the next level, hypnotherapy might be your answer.

Friedman offers private sessions, keynote presentations, golf retreats, and half-day workshops. The workshops average $250 per person, which includes a mind power workshop, chipping/putting interactive drills, and a powerful group hypnosis session. For upcoming workshops, check out her Web site. Visit for more information, or email

Article Source:

Golf Mind Power

Some Quick Golf Information

Wear Wristbands
A must if you want to look cool.
...Golf Tips magazine

Handle Leads Hands
The body should continue to move the arms through impact and into the finish. Don't allow the clubhead to pass the handle of the club until well past impact.
...Golf Tips magazine

top 50 tips9. Through The Navel
An extension of the shaft at address should point at your navel. This ensures that the body is bent over the proper amount and is far enough from the ball.
...Golf Tips magazine

Golf Related News

Just the Fax Scotty Cameron Sweepstakes

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Tour Players Talk About the New 905R Driver

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See what Titleist staff players Davis Love III, Adam Scott and Zach Johnson are saying about the New Pro Titanium 905R driver.

Titleist Tour Report - Wachovia Championship

Fri, 05 May 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Take a look at this week's Titleist Tour Report from the Wachovia Championship with interviews from the Haas Family: Jay, Billy and Jay Jr.

My Golf Club Reviews

Our Featured Golf Writer

If you want a great golf swing then get this Simple Golf Swing eBook

Is Your Practice Swing Better Than Your Real Swing?

By: Jonathan Barrett

Why is my practice swing often better than my real golf swing?

When I understood the answer to this question it made a big difference to my golf swing. How many golfers do you see on the tee making a nice free practice swing and then duff or slice the ball with their real swing? It happens doesn't it, it happens a lot. Well, I came to realise that when I understood the journey that the golf club needs to take around your body then I also realised where so many amateur golfers were going wrong with the difference between their practice swing and their real swing.

You see when you understand that the golf swing is about technique not aggression then your body starts to work differently.

When you make your practice swing you remain relaxed and free moving. When you make your real swing you immediately start to tense the big muscles in your body particularly your back and shoulders. Your brain starts telling you body 'look guys if we want to hit this ball a mile then we need to put loads of effort it' - WRONG!

Next time you swing - remember to keep your back and shoulder muscles relaxed so that your real swing is as good and as free as your practice swing.

Remember the proper and most efficient golf swing is all about technique not aggression.

The answer to this question lies in the way we think the golf swing works - we need to convince ourselves that the Pro Golfers swing works - Power without effort - and we too will follow their lead.

A good exercise to demonstrate that loose muscles work better than tense muscles is to try running down your garden with loose muscles then tense your muscles and try again - the difference is dramatic isn't it and the golf swing is no different, we need to keep our muscles relaxed for them to work effectively.

Tensing prior to moving doesn't help - you need to relax to let your muscles work properly at the right point in your swing.

One of the main problems that generates this tensing motion is caused by the way many amateur golfers practice. How many golfers have you seen at the golf range who go straight for their driver and start trying to knock the ball out of the range? Many I would guess. These golfers are simply trying too hard. Golfers should concentrate on accuracy on the range not distance i.e. how close can I hit it to a line from me to the target?

One way of practising that takes out the need to try and knock the skin off the ball is to use plastic balls, you know the ones you can by from the golf shop. Once you start hitting these balls you quickly realise you can't hit these balls 300 yards so don't try to. It results in you concentrating far better on technique. They also have the added benefit that you only need about 30 yards of space to practice in.

Jon Barrett WAS a frustrated golfer who studied the golf swing for 5 about his eye opening concepts:

Additional Info On Golf Today

Two Backswing Flaws You Must Fix for a Spot-On Swing
Because golfers must stand to the side of the golf ball at address, it's easy to understand why many players improperly rotate both the body and golf club away from the ball during the takeaway. Often, this improper rotation assumes the form of an inside takeaway, where the hands and forearms roll clockwise and rotate the clubface open. As soon as the club is taken too far to the inside, it becomes trapped behind the body�literally.
...Golf Link

Buy Some Long Tees
Your new driver will be easier to hit.
...Golf Tips magazine

Yardage Has Been Lost
The downside of this shot-making decision is that yardage has been lost and, therefore, a possible birdie opportunity has been missed because there is still a fair amount of ground to be made up before the putting surface can be reached. The solution is to hit the ball so that it bends around the trees at the right moment and makes a greater distance down the fairway, resulting in an approach shot much nearer the hole. The skill called for here is to draw the ball, hitting it initially on a path to the right before it curves round to the left, avoiding the trees and leaving a more desirable lie.
...mastering golf UK

You've heard that a golf-specific workout will help you get more distance, so you're pumping iron, jogging religiously, stretching - but you still haven't gained any distance off the tee. What's the deal? An exercise program will indeed help you gain distance, but you also need to have good swing technique to take advantage of your strength and flexibility.
...The Golf Channel

Headline News About Golf

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New Season of Golf Fitness Academy Presented by Titleist Premieres on The Golf Channel

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